
Workplace Policies

Policies play a vital role in any organization, ensuring uniformity, consistency, and compliance in the workplace. As an employee, it is essential to be aware of the policies that govern your workplace, both for your own benefit and that of the organization.

Most companies have their policies on their intranet, a powerful tool for providing employees access to information about their operations and policies. With the click of a few links, you can easily access the information you need, making you the go-to person for anyone seeking that information. In this way, you become a valuable asset to your organization, equipped with the knowledge and resources you need to be a successful team member.

It's worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with your company's policies and where to find them on the intranet.


Phone Etiquette

Personal telephone calls can be a slippery slope. While it's natural to want to catch up with loved ones or friends, excessive personal calls can hinder one's work productivity. Whether it's a distracting phone ringing in the background or a person talking too loudly, a constant personal conversation can negatively impact the individual and those around them.

While it's important to maintain personal relationships and connections, it's crucial to find a balance and limit calls to appropriate times and durations. This ensures a productive work environment and shows respect for colleagues and the company's resources.


Overtime Strategy

I used to be wary of working overtime because my department was budget-conscious and didn't want to pay for extra hours. But then I noticed the more experienced HUCs taking advantage of the shortage of unit clerks across the hospital-- they would call in on a day off and offer themselves up for another unit if needed. It made me envious, but I realized I could be doing the same thing. So, when I transferred to another unit with less reliable HUCs, I started volunteering for overtime whenever I could.

It was worth it - by the end of the year, I had made an extra $7,000. With my hourly rate averaging over a dollar more, I couldn't complain about putting in a little extra time.


Secretary Training

The role of an experienced secretary often involves more than just performing daily tasks. It sometimes requires taking on the responsibility of orienting new secretaries as they join the team. It can be daunting to teach someone the ropes of the job, but seeing them grow and succeed is also rewarding.

First-day jitters are common, so it's important to make the new secretary feel welcome and at ease. By showing them the ropes and giving them gentle guidance, we can ensure that they feel confident and ready to tackle any task that comes their way. With our support, they'll soon learn the ins and outs of the job and become experts themselves.


Career Transition

Are you a HUC who took this job as a stepping stone to nursing school? Congratulations! You are already ahead of the game when transitioning to a different position in the hospital. Working as a HUC gives you valuable experience that will benefit you in any department. You will have first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of the hospital, which includes entering orders, communicating with doctors and nurses, and being constantly aware of patient needs.

Even if you decide not to become a nurse, this experience will be highly useful in any career path you choose within the healthcare industry. Being a former HUC will make you an asset to any company you work for.