Showing posts with label Floating to Another Floor/Department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floating to Another Floor/Department. Show all posts

Exploring the Challenges of Being a Unit Secretary Working on Another Floor

Working on another floor can be exciting and challenging for a unit secretary. It's an opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills as you interact with different departments and staff members. However, stepping outside your comfort zone and tackling new challenges can also be a bit daunting. 

Nevertheless, it's a valuable learning experience that can broaden your horizons and enhance your professional skills. Plus, you might even make some new friends and connections along the way!


Should I Work on Another Floor as a Health Unit Coordinator? (Video)

Working on another floor as a Health Unit Coordinator has two advantages.

The first thing is that you learn who the doctors are. In the unit where I work now, I may see a podiatrist or a gastroenterologist once or twice a year. But I see cardiologists all day, every day. 

But when I float to the orthopedics floor, I see the podiatrists. I see the orthopedics. Now, I can put the face to the name.

The second thing is that you increase your medical terminology vocabulary.

How often do you think that I print up a consent for an amputation below the knee? Not often. But if I saw an order for consent for Right BKA, I knew what it meant and would get it done.

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