Showing posts with label Conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conflict. Show all posts

Workplace Conflict

Navigating the workplace can be tricky sometimes; even the best coworkers can have disagreements. When you encounter a problem with a coworker, always remember to use your chain of command to resolve the issue.

Start by notifying your Charge Nurse, and if the problem persists, escalate it to your Department Manager. If you still cannot find a resolution, do not lose hope! Consider drafting a letter explaining your situation and requesting a meeting with your company's Human Resources Director. By following the proper channels, you can trust that your workplace concerns will be heard and addressed.

Remember, the chain of command is put in place to help and support employees in solving any issues.


Taking Sides as a Health Unit Coordinator (Video)

As a new Health Unit Coordinator, you may encounter coworkers who try to persuade you to take sides in their ongoing conflicts.  

As a trainer of HUC, I always made it my business to keep my bias against the nurses, PCAs/CNAs, etc. to myself. I want the new HUC to decide on their own who they should call a friend and who they should call foe. 

When Do You Go to Human Resources as a Health Unit Coordinator (Video)


Conflict is bound to happen when multiple people from different backgrounds come together in a stressful environment. But when issues become problems, you may have to escalate the situation.

So, when do you go to Human Resources? When you have used your chain of command and have spoken with your immediate supervisor, manager, or director and the problems have not been addressed or ceased.

Put it in writing. You cannot go down to HR all mad and emotional. You must type up everything going on from start to finish. You need to include names and dates of the incidents when you spoke to your immediate supervisor, the outcome of that discussion, and the names and dates of any further incidents.

Directors do not like being asked to explain why there is conflict among employees that they are not handling. And HR departments do not like receiving letters from unhappy employees that include the words “harassment,” “bullying,” or “retaliation.”