Showing posts with label Hospital Mergers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospital Mergers. Show all posts

Hospital Mergers and Their Impact on The Local Community

As someone who has worked in the healthcare industry for a long time, I have seen firsthand the impact a hospital merger can have on a local community. While these mergers can offer benefits such as increased resources and streamlined services, they can also disrupt the ecosystem of healthcare access in a given area. 

Any merger must be approached and considered for all parties involved, including patients, employees, and other healthcare providers. As someone who worked at a hospital that merged with another, I support responsible and thoughtful hospital mergers that prioritize the needs and well-being of the local community.


Hospital Mergers and the Unit Secretary (Video)

Hospital mergers are going to be a thing of the future. With the cost of healthcare rising, hospitals are doing what they must do. 

Generally, in a merger of any kind, upper management and middle management are the first to go because they are the reason for the merger in the first place.

So, the main question for the Unit Secretary is whether you stay or go.

There are only three outcomes from a hospital merger: things can get better, stay the same, or get worse.