
Committee Benefits

Being a part of committees can be a great way to make meaningful contributions to your workplace and community. Hospitals have a variety of committees, from ethics to sustainability, and joining any of these can give you a chance to use your skills and expertise outside of your usual job responsibilities. Plus, it's a way to connect with colleagues who share your passion for improving the hospital's operations and services.

If you have some extra time and desire to have a voice in shaping the future of your workplace, consider joining a committee—you never know what positive changes you can make!


Workplace Conflict

Navigating the workplace can be tricky sometimes; even the best coworkers can have disagreements. When you encounter a problem with a coworker, always remember to use your chain of command to resolve the issue.

Start by notifying your Charge Nurse, and if the problem persists, escalate it to your Department Manager. If you still cannot find a resolution, do not lose hope! Consider drafting a letter explaining your situation and requesting a meeting with your company's Human Resources Director. By following the proper channels, you can trust that your workplace concerns will be heard and addressed.

Remember, the chain of command is put in place to help and support employees in solving any issues.


Medical Certifications

Working in the medical field requires many requirements. One of the most common prerequisites is a foundational understanding of medical terminology. While some healthcare facilities don't require a certificate, others do.

Knowing what is necessary to do your job and staying on top of any necessary credentials. For instance, some places may require you to have a Health Unit Coordinator certification or Basic Life Support certification. Neglecting to renew your BLS certification is not a wise choice, as it could hinder your ability to do your job effectively and safely.

Remember, staying informed and up to date can help you navigate the sometimes complex world of medical certifications.


Consult Process

When patients are dealing with a severe illness or injury, often, they need to see a specialist. In these cases, the primary doctor will put in a consultation, or "consult," order. But what happens next?

Well, it can be nerve-wracking to call in the consult for the first time. The good news is that it's a straightforward process. Once you see the order, simply go to the patient's record and add the requested doctor to their list. Jot down important information like the name of the doctor you'll be calling, their specialty, and the patient's information. This way, you're organized and prepared when the doctor calls back.

And don't worry; after a few consults, you'll feel like a pro!


Awards and Recognition

Nurses are essential to our healthcare system, and it's important to recognize their hard work and dedication. That's why Nurse's Week in May is such an exciting time for hospitals everywhere.

At our facility, we go above and beyond by also honoring the incredible work of our ancillary staff with the highly coveted Diamond Award. This prestigious award is a testament to the incredible individuals who receive it and the facility that takes the time to acknowledge its outstanding employees.

Health Unit Coordinators, in particular, have repeatedly shown that they deserve recognition, and receiving a nomination is something to be incredibly proud of. You may be a behind-the-scenes worker, but you are not overlooked.